The importance of training can never be underestimated, especially for the Atlassian Tool Suite. For all its ease of use (i.e. you can get a Jira project created and ready to go in under 2 minutes in many cases), there may be some functionality you and your firm are missing out on. Or, there may be a better way to build out the configurations your manager has asked. The Atlassian Training consists of a certified / authorized instructor providing training in the form of instruction and lab work / exercises for you or your organization. The full list of training can be found here: Atlassian Training Catalog.
Why should you check out Atlassian Training? Well, there are several reasons!
Consistent Practices and Configurations
Taught by certified instructors and authorized partners from Atlassian, these courses provide you with a consistent, step-by-step process to accomplish many configuration and functionality goals for your Atlassian Tool Suite. These configurations taught in the course instruction work across multiple versions of Jira, Confluence, Portfolio, and other tools, and ensure efficiency from both configuration and maintenance perspectives.
Industry Best Practices
Standards practiced, configured, and implemented are discussed in courses, with each course being tailored to meet the business goals and objectives of your organization. Multiple case studies, practices, and exercises based on real-life examples are taught and discussed throughout the course.
Discover New Functionality About Your Tools
The Atlassian Tool Suite is powerful with multiple configurations, functionality, and capabilities available to administrators and users. These courses are designed to walk you through both basic and advanced features of the tool suite. Advanced capabilities for Workflows, Dashboards and reporting, Portfolio, and Confluence – Jira integrations are taught across multiple courses. These new functionalities will help you determine new configurations / updates to be made to your instance. You may even be able to remove some of those extra add-ons / apps you have installed!
As Authorized Instructors and Certified Atlassian Training Partners, we provide training across multiple tools and functionalities provided through the Atlassian Tool Suite. Check out our site today and reach out to us if you have questions about training with the Atlassian Tool Suite: Questions? Feel free to reach out!